This all started because I was complaining about some uninitialized pointer value causing me grief1 and someone (explicitly trolling) said they always check pointers using:

int fds[2] = { -1, -1}; 
if (write(fds[0], pointer_to_check, sizeof(intptr_t)) == -1) {
    return not_valid;
} else {
    return valid;

In case it’s not abundantly clear, you should never do this2, but of course the first thing I saw was the duplication of code responsible for managing resources, a reminder of how redundant and error-prone C can be.

A different formulation of this code might look like:

int rc, fds[2] = { -1, -1}; 
if (write(fds[0], pointer_to_check, sizeof(intptr_t)) == -1) {
    rc = not_valid;
} else {
    rc = valid;
return rc;

This reduces duplication, but has worse locality. I don’t love it, but I feel like it’s the safer style.

Really what I want is something like Swift’s defer:

int fds[2] = { -1, -1}; 
defer ^{

if (write(fds[0], pointer_to_check, sizeof(intptr_t)) == -1) {
    return not_valid;
} else {
    return valid;

Turned out it’s not too heinous to hack together, it produces efficient assembly, and it’s even exception-safe!

Here it is:

static void __defer_cleanup(void (^*pBlock)(void)){ (*pBlock)(); }
#define __defer_tokenpaste(prefix, suffix) prefix ## suffix
#define __defer_blockname(nonce) __defer_tokenpaste(__defer_, nonce)

/* Declare a local block variable with a unique name that contains
 * the cleanup code. It has three attributes:
 *   unused: because you should NEVER touch this local yourself
 *   deprecated: because you should NEVER touch this local yourself
 *   cleanup: to get its pointer passed to __defer_cleanup (above)
 *                when the scope ends
#define defer \
void (^ __defer_blockname(__LINE__))(void) \
__attribute__((unused, \
               deprecated("hands off!"), \
               cleanup(__defer_cleanup) \
)) = 
  1. as appealing as its promise is, mmap is bad and you should never use it unless you truly need garbage collected shared memory between processes, in which case your life already sucks and I’m sorry. pread and pwrite will set errno instead of crashing your process and are not nearly as slow as you think; you should stick with them until you can measure otherwise, at which point you should investigate doing your own paging because as I just said mmap is dangerous and bad. 

  2. If you have a problem with wild pointers then you also have much bigger problems that you should solve first. If you’re just hacking away on code that will never run on someone else’s computer (see: the Bad Code License) you should try mincore or mach_vm_read